Thursday, December 30, 2010
force an extrovert to be introvert
i hate being alone
if i can make it though to song kran alive i'll be ok.
maybe not
maybe april is pushing it
i don't like my job, i do love the students. my boss came on to me. and told me i was a bad teacher. what a way to bring down a depressed person, to tell them they are bad at the only thing they do. and to know that they don't have many people to talk to and take advantage of that sux...because you are taking away ppl they know and putting them in a more difficult position.
would i be happy again at home?
depression is a disease of loneliness, and the privacy of a depressed person is not a dignity; it is a prison.
i wish for strength.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
always the exception, never the rule
immaculate conception today
inception day?
exception def.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
That way I can be alone with my thoughts while they ramble about whatever, I can get away with just staring at a person for a while and not have to worry about being caught staring because you are supposed to look at someone then, and if I choose to listen then I learn very interesting information and gain wisdom.
And soon I will be very wise because I really like doing this.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
activities : eating
plus i'm bored a lot. so i eat.
and there's no nutritional english. so who knows what i'm consuming.
i just need a week of not eating to go back to normal. that starts tomorrow...tonight i already had an omelet, sticky rice, and 2 japanese pastries, oh and a milk shake. fuck.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
what do i do at work
well i suppose i should plan for the next lessons, but that takes like 10 min. unless i choose to do an elaborate plan, which i never do because that would lead to disappointment when they don't get it. so i prefer to go in with little planning and be pleasantly surprised.
there are these forms that we have to fill out to record our teaching i try to write slowly to take up more time. and then i have to fill out the online attendance thing when i'm done teaching for the day. that takes 4 minutes, unless the internet is slow then maybe 12.
i have to keep my desk clear, since i failed the first desk inspection. i didn't know they would be checking the drawers and i had loose papers in them. so that takes a little time to be organized.
i give the kids lots of stupid homework so that i will have something to occupy myself - ie take my sweet time grading that shit.
i spend a lot of time eating. we get an hour lunch break, but that doesn't take up enough of my free time, so i walk and get snacks at other breaks i have. and i eat and make phone calls to the people i know will be awake.
with the remaining time i dick around on the internet...when it's working.
i try to avoid fbook since my bosses sit directly behind me in the office.
i look up quotes, listen to, spend some time on cnn, today i just discovered jango and i've been listening to jim gaffigan, i look up teaching plans and activities, read blogs, look up art, read about pop culture. i write emails. i stare into microsoft word at old documents.
sometimes i journal or make lists in my notebook so it looks like i'm producing something. in reality i am making lists of all the bars i've been to and who i went with and what i drank. or remembering quotes from people. or listing what i want my dad to bring me from america.
and then with the remaining time i stare in the distance.
Friday, October 22, 2010
i can write a bar guide for chiang mai

i was unaware i had been to so many bars in Chaing Mai, until it was pointed out to me...
1. Small House
2. One Love
3. Spicy
4. Zoe in Yellow
5. Cafe del Sol
6. Rasta Cafe
7. Heaven Beach
8. The trippy reggae place near zoe
9. Riverside 1
10. Riverside 2
11. the Good view
12. The Brasserie
13. Blar Blar Bar
14. Augus
15. Dukes
16. Pinocchio
17. Monkey Club
18. Warm-up
19. Mo-C Mo-L
20. that one restaurant/bar we went to to celebrate graduating
21. the irish pub
22. the place near tapae gate entrance
23. smile bar
24. reggae bar
25. rooftop bar
26. Barroloco
27. Northgate jazz bar
28. Domdum
29. Danyli
30. Zoe in Yellow Garden
31. ba ba go go bar
32. blues 7
33. guesthouse
34. drunken flower
35. john's place
36. cue ball
37. my home - bar not really my home
38. the hut house place
39. dawan dang
40. 2nd floor
41. chaing mai bar
42. CU Corner
43. Ikko yino
44. The Glass Onion
45. fabrique
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
this is dream frances
And then you really wanted Hot Tamales, like the candy.
And so you got some and wanted him and I to eat them too, and Bill wouldn't cause he said it was too hot and you smacked him and called him a sissy...I just laughed.
Yep and then we watched The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
Monday, September 20, 2010
Did they end up together?
Did Claire and Bender end up together when they were back at school?
Eh no. Yes, they shared a passionate kiss and they both wanted it really bad. There may have been some times that they hung out, maybe there were a couple of times when they were at the same party or bar. and there was always the sexual tension between them. but they never became boyfriend-girlfriend. and there were probably other encounters between them, forbidden touches if you will. but no sex. and they def hardly spoke to each other at school. it was just too weird. and they had their places.
if they did meet regularly for breakfast as a group then yes, a relationship might have blossomed, but since that is just the name for detention (the breakfast club - thank you mally) it didn't.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
if you were on the titanic and it was sinking would you fight
the most intense - the one where I died. I fell for a while and then I hit. I hit and I sunk in. and I was gone.
Dreams about falling supposedly happen when you feel a loss of control in life. ok I get that. but if I let myself fall in the dreams then I am ok with no control, no?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
"not even animal planet does it for me anymore"

Kyle - frances. you know what happened at work today?
Frances - did you get bit again
Kyle - no worse. a dog tried to hump my leg. and i just kept trying to walk away from him but he just kept following me around the room, trying to grab my leg.
Frances - ew
Kyle - yeah. it went on for like 10 minutes. he eventually got side tracked trying to hump another dog which was a lot better from my point of view point of view sounds weird. like i watched. i didnt watch i just wanted to clarify.
Monday, August 30, 2010
i'm in between stages

Culture Shock Stage 2: Denial
You are caught between the positive vacation feelings and newer negative feelings stemming from having to face the reality of living here for two or three years. You are still excited but somehow the feelings are more forced. For many, the initial reaction is to deny the negative feelings, or starting to feel that you must be doing something wrong because of course you should be excited.
Culture Shock Stage 3: Anger
Attempts to deny have failed. Now the negative feelings come flying out in ugly chunks. You begin to dwell on the negative aspects of life in the host country. You feel unsure, anxious about the future. You feel like you don't deserve this; your experience abroad should be a daily diet of PBS-like discovery.
I've found in myself that this stage is often triggered by some bad day-like event that instead of seeing as one of those things, I instead blame on the host country. Trains can run late anywhere in the world, but if you find yourself saying “Those darn [INSERT DEROGATORY TERM FOR HOST COUNTRY PEOPLE] can't even get a train to run on time” you are thick into this stage.
Next is Escape
Then Depression.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
the last dance

turns out everyone likes to recount the 5 spot evening the next day, and thank god for that cause there is a lot to remember. below kyle (mostly) and anna hessa tell me what happened.
you yelling vodka at me last night is now one of my fondest memories of you. it was so belligerent.
Kyle: so what were you guys drinking earlier tonight?
i also remember you were on the stage, lost your balance, and grabbed anna hessa's head to balance yourself.
i remember on a little bit softer now you were getting low and you almost fell over. twice.
and during down in mexico you kind of danced, then texted, drank water, then texted.
i also remember you saying, "watch it buddy" which i though was really funny
we were walking to the jeep so i could get more film, and you could get your stuff from kathleen's car. In this process you stepped on my foot and went Watch it buddy and then you made a mean face at me
seriously. this happened. and then i just laughed and laughed and laughedand then i think you told me you were going to beat me up on the sidewalk by kathleen's car which just made me laugh more
no frances. seriously. im not making this up. that's really what happened. you weren't really mean about it, but you were acting that way. i mean you were laughing as well but for some reason you stepped on my foot and started acting like a tough guy
you really dont remember watch it buddy? we joked around about it for like 10 minutes outside.
after you said watch it buddy i said something like seriously frances, what are you going to do about it? thats when you said something about beating me up and leaving me on the sidewalk
also, when we were inside, i said something jokingly to you and you punched me in the stomach.
and then you stopped talking to me for a while when i said "are you ok? you're not feeling like you'll throw up when i start driving you home right?"
and you said that was really mean of me to say and you stopped talking to me.
but as drunk as you were last night you always knew exactly how many beers you had bought me. i tried for a while to trick you into buying me a third and you just weren't having any part of it. some how your brain always kept perfect track of how many beers you owed me.
it was really quite impressive.
there was one time i almost got it. you said,"I have five dollars left and its for your other beer" (which would have been three) and then i said great lets go get it when we get back inside. and then bam. "No. wait. i already bought you both your beers right? I did. You're not getting another beer from me."
i also remember the second beer you got me. we were waiting in line and you kept saying how you wanted to go dance. i then said i'd bring you your beer. when i finally got them, i had mine in one hand, yours in the other, and my camera kind of balancing in my arm and i pushed my way through the whole crowd to find that you weren't there. then i had to walk all the way back through and found you near the front door.
anna - i remember we had an epic kiss
oh and kesha was there
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Maybe I got too Comfortable with Kyle

"i never thought when we started hanging out. in just a months time frances will tell me something about fisting." kyle
1. the fisting
2. "if i touch you inappropriately it is unintentional, i don't have control of my body right now"
3. the sexual harassment
4. finding the right spot
5. penetrating
6. joking about him slinging his stuff around
7. when you drive us will you take your top off?
8. the nipple
9. feeling him up
10. the hand gestures
Friday, August 6, 2010
Do your Gemini Thing
It's been pretty accurate in my experience:
Take Kath's and my relationship for example... no we are not interested in one another. no, I take that back. She does like cats. jk grapes
Gemini and Libra love compatibility
These two air signs are well suited intellectually and every other way. It is difficult for the representatives of both signs to control their passions. If love makes this world spinning around then this couple gives an initial push for it. This is an ideal partnership. Both favor similar changes of interests. In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini is the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse. The combination's intellectual and artistic interests are compatible. Both sides of the Gemini nature will be under stood by the Libra. Both of them are passionate and nobody is too jealous at the same time . They characters have a lot in common , and they perfectly understand each other in bedroom. Libra is highly sexed and their lovemaking will never go lacking. Their sex-life will never be dull. This is a perfect connection; warm and happy married couple.
You have the ability to win me over with your libraness.
if i was ever to be with jack this would be the result -
Gemini and Cancer love compatibility
Gemini's sparkle immediately intrigues Cancer, but Cancer won't find security with fickle, fly-by-night Gemini. The Cancer's self-confidence will decrease during his dialogue with the changeable Gemini, who are fond of pleasures. The unguided sexual energy of the Gemini will create problems for the Cancer. Cancer is the home loving type and will be content to stay there and lock the rest of the world outside, but Gemini would soon become restless and angry over this as he/she is very sociable and likes to be around other people; having no wish to feel as if they are a prisoner in their own home. Life will quickly become unbearable to Gemini. Cancers are driven by emotion and feelings and generally prefer the constant. Gemini's unstoppable movement will prove unsettling to Cancer. Though it is a very emotional connection, the long term connection is almost impossible here.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
10 in '10
Number two was a musician and his illicited a "how dare you" response.
Number three was a friend who ruined everything in asking.
Number four was an artist.
Number five was a bad ass who introduced me to the world I wanted to be in and the person I wanted to be.
Number six was a soccer player from Scotland.
Number seven was friends with the one I really wanted.
Number eight was a drug dealer; probably the worst.
Number nine was a dare.
Number ten was an alcoholic.
blah blah blah boring
eleven - canadian
twelve - thai how dare you
thirteen - brazilian
fourteen - housemate
fifteen - south african
sixteen - thai got painted
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Secret
Did I cause myself to get in the accident? I've imagined smashing into something in a car, the crunch of metal and the busting glass. I thought of being in an upturned car and being screamed at to stay still while they get the jaws of life. Did all of the imagining cause the wreck? Cause me to be careless enough to not see the truck speeding over the hill?
When we were pregaming in the car before 5 spot Kathleen found my book that I keep in the car. "Plan on doing some light reading?"
"I always keep a book in my car in case I get in an accident and have to wait for the police to come."
I didn't read the book as I waited. Didn't even think about it.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A New Diet for All You Fattys
During the day your body is trying to rid itself of the alcohol, there might be throwing up - this is good, more effective in the weight loss . Warning - when you wake up the next morning and feel like you are going to vom, don't take ibuprofen first, it tastes terrible and burns and numbs, gahhhh you just don't want to do it. You may need to eat, it's ok. I recommend granola bars or a slice or two of pizza or cereal. or pasta (careful with this one)
You need to drink a lot of caffeine during the day to feel normal - like you haven't had all that alcohol. This will make your heart race (burn cals), and it fills you up so you won't be eating so much.
You might sleep a lot the next day; this is good in that you won't be eating. If you are too busy to sleep, maybe you are also too busy to eat - very good. Maybe you will sleep late so only end up having a snack and then dinner later, and then maybe breakfast when you are trying to sober up to drive home (again careful) - better just to stop drinking earlier.
Most importantly - you need to stay so busy you won't think of eating, the caffeine helps with this. oh and you need to drink a lot of water.
PROS to this diet - YOU LOSE WEIGHT!!! and sometimes you feel like you are floating.
CONS to this diet - you might hallucinate and/or pass out (prob cause you dehydrated yourself), you get a tad loopy (lack of sleep and nutrition, so take vitamins?)
Now just watch those lbs melt off.
Don't forget to drink water, and stop eating meat - that will make the weight drop faster.
Friday, May 14, 2010
AND WHAT IF I GET SHOT?!?!?!?!?!?!
i mean dealing is risky business so i guess they need it? i just keep thinking of that scene in boogie nights and it seems so possible.
i am beloved. they might not shoot me. on the other hand, coke heads have the rep for being paranoid and unpredictable.
there should be a lot of ppl at my funeral.
and i once said that if i was to die young it would be by gunshot, prob while protecting someone else.
did i just choose my death?
they're still exciting and cool. i'm still going to hang out with them.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Am I Equal the Douche?
I don't ever remember the name of the guy I'm dancing with, this has been kind of embarrassing.
I'm kind of shallow.
I avoid some people but fake a smile and a how are you.
Sometimes I promise to dance with someone and then I avoid him.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Riddle Me This
I often feel that guys just go to bars to get someone to hook up with. Maybe that's only the guys who come to me - but why me? I don't think I give off the sex vibe. Maybe I do though, maybe I can use this to my advantage.
By this age (twentyish) I know how to get someone to approach me, it took some practice but I think I have a handle. And not just me, my friends know what to wear and how to act to get attention. However, this attention only seems to attract a certain kind of guy. We keep getting douche bags, guys who will stare intently into your eyes thinking you want to make out with them too, guys who will stick their gross smoker tounges in your mouth when you thought it might be ok to kiss them, and guys who after an evening of bonding over common interests and dancing ask "your place or mine?"
Where did I go wrong? What did I do to make you think that I would go home with you? Was it when you offered me a drink and I took it? Was it when I accidentally bumped into you butt? Was it when I was laughing with my friends and I drunkenly caught your eye?Maybe it wasn't me. Maybe these guys were trained by other girls, ruined by other girls and they think that they can do the same things to me that worked before.
I have been wondering this for a while, so I decided to ask some guys in my class what they did. They seem like good guys and I can't imagine them acting so douchey so I wanted to know what their thought process was. How can I change my act to get a guy more like them, who probably wouldn't expect me to go home wth him after I was just being friendly.
The boys weren't serious in their answer and I don't think understood what I was asking - this was their response --
Here is another question that I posed to the boys:
say you go to a bar, you see the girl of your dreams (or one that is deeply interesting) what do you do?
on a related, but different note, (because the boys said that they go to a bar to drink and that's it) do you only go to bars to drink? you can do that at home.
No Shit Sherlock
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Project: Naked Graduation
no beauty sleep = no beauty?
that's sad.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
the night and i have decided to get serious
Dear Frances, I thought you'd never ask! Love, Night

a glittery preparation
avoidin past, present, and future suitors
a little filmin
a little walkin
whiskey and beer
zucchini and brie
family history of mermaids and werewolves
coffee with cops
a hike
a glorious sunrise
lost keys
and a run home for work

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
you absolutely positively bore me
talking to you bores me
your haircut bores me
your voice bores me
the way you talk bores me
your sense of humor bores me
your walk bores me
your clothes bore me
your smile bores me
in fact your whole face bores me
your intelligence bores me
your car bores me
the way you drive bores me
your posture bores me
your taste in television bores me
your taste in movies bores me
the food you like bores me
your cooking bores me
your religion bores me
your furniture bores me
your emotions bore me
your computer desktop bores me
Friday, April 2, 2010
inspired by pink's encounter with harmonica douche
a dude once talked down to me for being catholic. so i stopped talking to him he didn't get it and is now known as "the stalker" nick name
however, i make fun of protestants all the time. it's a double standard that is ok.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kath aka Kathleen Grapes - Kathleen Wells
Anna Hessa - Anna Hessa
The Stalker - joshua a. - i still have his address if anyone wants it.
Potsy McGee - Max
Harmonica Douche - Greg Hommert
Shakespeare - Matt King
Dreds - Andy Johnson
Lars - Mark Rutgers
Kevin - Drew
Kathleen's guy - the Canadian
Oliver - Matt Gulliver
The Bald Guy
Chocolate Boy - Corey?
Blane - ok, real name
Luke - the bartender @5spot
he who should not be named - voldemort
J wu - jennie wu.
Friday, February 19, 2010
ok here are the ladies -
the power women:
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth II
Artemisia Gentilesci
Kelly Cutrane
Paris Geller - yes a fictional character but so cool
Dr. Christina Yang - again fictional but so driven - like paris
Dr. Judy Bullington
Jo March - little women
Mary Pat Turner
Lady Gaga
Sylvia Plath
Tina Fey
Anne Sexton
Gloria Steinman
Betty Friedan
Florence Welsch
Meryl Streep
Drew Barrymore
Kirstin Dunst
Renee Zellweger
Kate Winslet
Siouxie Sioux
Karen Oh
Uma Thurman
Lucille Ball
Kathy Griffin
Ellen Degenerous
Mary Cassatt
Kathe Kollwitz
Julie Andrews
Marie Curie
Coco Chanel
Jane Austen
Sandra Day O'Connor
Amelia Earhart
Alison Mosshart
Joan Crawford
Betty Davis
Nora Ephron
Vicky Donor
and my aunt Jama
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
v day eve
Katie and I were very against going out on V Day Eve, but we did anyway.
went to the rock showcase - 2 of 4 bands were good. usual.
then went to the very lovely 5 spot. i saw some lamey chips there from belmont - yucko - they found my cool spot and now they've ruined it with there bullshit. kathleen stood with an elbow in her face for a while.
this is boring to blog about.
we went to some burrito place - wow i just remembered i took a bite of floor burrito for a dollar. huh the stuff that comes back to you - and pink ate pork. she then rushed us off so she could get porked by some guy.
the grammy awards
i went to the 2010 grammy's in LA at the staples center
I worked the radio remotes that were happening thurs and fri before the big sunday.
job: talent escort
sounds a little wrong, but that's because the dang hookers took the title escort from the actual escorts. I was leading the talent (the stars) around to different radio and a couple filmed interviews. this was all backstage at the grammy's. so... all of us working backstage knew a little about what was going to happen on the big night because we heard them practicing. we were forbidden to tell, also forbidden to talk about what we saw and heard go down - aka gossip gossip gossip.
thursday i was the escort to the millionare matchmaker and then all american rejects - ps those guys were so awesome, def ppl that i would hang around with. friday i had lifehouse and mick fleetwoods blues band. and just because i was leading around those ppl doesn't mean that i didn't talk to or see others. i totes did. def was around lmfao and spoke to dr. drew and mackenzie philips. and got to see slash and omg so many other ppl. btw macy gray is huge - not fat but soooo tall.
ok, so we had the day off sat so we went to the beach
sunday we went to the pretelecast party/show - the awards that were not shown on tv. i got to see many ppl here too, and stood right next to imogen heap for a while and phoenix.
then went to the show. had good tickets. it was AMAZING. a rockin concert. love.
next year oscars and/or grammy's not picky. oooo unless i am no longer in the US. idk. well, we will see.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Kathleen did it again

this pic is from the first time we went though, not last week.
ok, i need to get to sleep and rest up for theeeeee trip to LA for the Grammys.
suck on that.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Dear Boys,
- Do not bump your penis on me when we're dancing, that's gross and that's why I don't like to dance.
- When I am dancing with my friends at a bar that's all I'm doing, I'm not there to find a random hookup. And I will not hookup with you.
- Do not add me as a friend on facebook to flirt with me on facebook chat.
- Don't ask me to buy beer for you.
- Do not snuggle up on my chest and say you could lie there forever. That's gay, and clingy.
- Do not wear pajama pants to class and stand in front of me when I am sitting down, I can see your junk.
- Show some expression on your face when I talk to you.
- Do not smoke before you kiss. It makes me want to throw up.
- Don't call if I don't respond to your texts.
- Do not rub my face over and over, you mess up my makeup
- Do not send me texts at 3am to ask me to send you a picture of myself. You know what I look like. And you are being a douche.
- Don't hurt my friends.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I saw Karen Elson today, so I memorized her car and license plate number.
Just got back from NYC.
on the flight there I sat next to a guy with a camera, I asked him about it and he is Dierks Bentley's videographer, Dierks was sitting two seats in front of us. - the video guy had to point him out to me cause i didn't know what he looked like
When we were getting on the subway our second day there I saw Matt Bush. the kid from the commercials for saving minutes
When we were waiting for Vic to pic us up from the airport last night we saw Jeff Bridges near our baggage claim.
AND FINALLY - I just got back back from vintage shopping with Vic and Leslie, we were looking for dresses to wear to the Grammys. We went to Venus and Mars - every time I walk by or go in i always hope to see Karen Elson and maybe Jack White. Well, Karen came in. Is it too much to hope to strike a convo and then become best friends with her? yes. she did not approach me or acknowledge me in any way. bitch. and there were only the 3 of us in there + guy at counter and karen (you dye your hair to make it redder than it is bitch). but I saw her car Ford Flex Limited, maroon, license plate - 768 something something something.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I've been having dates with the night and it's getting pretty serious

date with the night - yeah yeah yeahs
last night we went to motown music mondays at 5 spot.
a new favorite place to be in nashville for me.
kathleen booty danced with some woman who looked like a man (kath thought it was a man). and we kept going back and forth - she had a manly voice and looked like a man, but was wearing a sports bra under her tank. a quote from kath - "I don't know, I'm confused. And he-she is too."
the guy under us is a friend of grace's. he was hilarious. and made me spill my titchy a little.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Love People who Love Life
I also owe so much to some of my new friends who have introduced me to so many new things about nashville - not that my old friends didn't, but these are townies and they are showing me parts of the city that I hoped to see and never have.
Nashville is getting better, the more I see and experience, the more open my mind is, and the more open I am to doing new things, the more I love it, and love living.
I have for so long been wanting to find new things in nashville new holes in the walls, and sometimes I do. I don't know when I started being so hungry for discoveries. I always have been, it's just now I HAVE to HAVE them.
I've been wanting to go to Patterson House - cause that's where Jack White has been seen. I went last night with Kathleen. We were going to go to the art crawl but it was moved to next weekend, so we decided to try it. It was so cool. Set up like a speak-easy. and I thought I saw Jack and his wife, but it wasn't them. That couple was dressed like they were from the time period, and the bartenders were dressed up, and the drink selection was awesome. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. sigh, but i will return, so I tipped well. hah
The next place we went to was Suzy Wong's House of Yum. What a gay place. I mean that literally. IT is right beside the gay bars in town, and the decorations and feel - everything very gay. and i usually don't feel uncomfortable around gay ppl, but this place was so up tight.
Then we went to Mercy Lounge. all of these places by the way had very different crowds. and Mercy had quite a variety. and there were a couple of lesbian couples making the people around them very uncomfortable. ie me. but I did see 2 people from american bang there - love.
The final stop - 12th and porter dance party. LATFH all up in the place. what a bunch of wackos. but the lights were cool and the music was cool and it was free so I would go back.