turns out everyone likes to recount the 5 spot evening the next day, and thank god for that cause there is a lot to remember. below kyle (mostly) and anna hessa tell me what happened.
you yelling vodka at me last night is now one of my fondest memories of you. it was so belligerent.
Kyle: so what were you guys drinking earlier tonight?
i also remember you were on the stage, lost your balance, and grabbed anna hessa's head to balance yourself.
i remember on a little bit softer now you were getting low and you almost fell over. twice.
and during down in mexico you kind of danced, then texted, drank water, then texted.
i also remember you saying, "watch it buddy" which i though was really funny
we were walking to the jeep so i could get more film, and you could get your stuff from kathleen's car. In this process you stepped on my foot and went Watch it buddy and then you made a mean face at me
seriously. this happened. and then i just laughed and laughed and laughedand then i think you told me you were going to beat me up on the sidewalk by kathleen's car which just made me laugh more
no frances. seriously. im not making this up. that's really what happened. you weren't really mean about it, but you were acting that way. i mean you were laughing as well but for some reason you stepped on my foot and started acting like a tough guy
you really dont remember watch it buddy? we joked around about it for like 10 minutes outside.
after you said watch it buddy i said something like seriously frances, what are you going to do about it? thats when you said something about beating me up and leaving me on the sidewalk
also, when we were inside, i said something jokingly to you and you punched me in the stomach.
and then you stopped talking to me for a while when i said "are you ok? you're not feeling like you'll throw up when i start driving you home right?"
and you said that was really mean of me to say and you stopped talking to me.
but as drunk as you were last night you always knew exactly how many beers you had bought me. i tried for a while to trick you into buying me a third and you just weren't having any part of it. some how your brain always kept perfect track of how many beers you owed me.
it was really quite impressive.
there was one time i almost got it. you said,"I have five dollars left and its for your other beer" (which would have been three) and then i said great lets go get it when we get back inside. and then bam. "No. wait. i already bought you both your beers right? I did. You're not getting another beer from me."
i also remember the second beer you got me. we were waiting in line and you kept saying how you wanted to go dance. i then said i'd bring you your beer. when i finally got them, i had mine in one hand, yours in the other, and my camera kind of balancing in my arm and i pushed my way through the whole crowd to find that you weren't there. then i had to walk all the way back through and found you near the front door.
anna - i remember we had an epic kiss
oh and kesha was there
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