Yesterday I received a phone call inviting me to a few PARTAYS and so I put on my skivies and left the house.
Mom's words - don't drink too much
and - if someone offers you drugs, don't worry about who it is or what it is just take it. (jk)
My doctor demanded a while ago that I cease all alcohol consumption and medication. I did. Until tonight. And it was a good night. It felt so good to drink. It never felt so good. It didn't even taste bad. sigh. Except today I feel like shit. headache/hangover/wicked nausea - damn liver.
So we (Heather, Amber, Sam, and I) went to a total of 3 locals. house party and 2 bars.
sigh. i'm bored with this story.
Sounds like a fun time except for the day after...Maybe you should try something that doesn't involve your liver...illicit drugs perhaps,or cough syrup.