Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I have taken it upon myself to catch the Craigslist killers.

and make interesting friends.

My Matt put an ad on Craigslist looking for friends:

Lonely painter seeks friends.
Male, white, 23, an artist; painter, photographer, maker of stuffed creatures, and song experimenter seeks creative, interesting, smart, and beautiful friends. Must make jokes about the halocaust, slavery, and those who died on the titanic. No creepers.... actually, creepers allowed.

good idea and hilarious so I made one:

artist looking for new and exciting friends
Female, white, 21
Bored with my current friends.
An artist; painter, sculptor, collagist, seeks free spirits, interesting, intelligent, funny, and beautiful friends. No super Christians apply, no wet blankets. Must be able to keep me interested with funny stories. Alternative lifestyles encouraged.
I do not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability or military service.

So far I have gotten 3 responses (my matt got 0) hehe. but it could be the section I put it in - Strictly platonic ->w4t. aka woman for transvestites (what i was hoping for)/transgenders/transsexuals.

can't wait to introduce my new friends to my old friends.

and on the subject of catching the killer - very likely, 2 of the 3 are scary.

i have mace. and i will only meet these guys around my guy friends. and i will not give out any personal info - though they could get it all from fbook or anything really. hopefully they won't steal my id, or my life.

this is my blog on catching the craigslist killers.


  1. so are you going to share their exciting responces with us or just leave us wondering?
    by the way i like what i have read thus far.

  2. you spelled responses wrong. and yes i will.
