I owe so much to one of my new friends who is so happy and so bubbly and never says no to having fun with friends or helping friends - as long as it isn't harming herself.
I also owe so much to some of my new friends who have introduced me to so many new things about nashville - not that my old friends didn't, but these are townies and they are showing me parts of the city that I hoped to see and never have.
Nashville is getting better, the more I see and experience, the more open my mind is, and the more open I am to doing new things, the more I love it, and love living.
I have for so long been wanting to find new things in nashville new holes in the walls, and sometimes I do. I don't know when I started being so hungry for discoveries. I always have been, it's just now I HAVE to HAVE them.
I've been wanting to go to Patterson House - cause that's where Jack White has been seen. I went last night with Kathleen. We were going to go to the art crawl but it was moved to next weekend, so we decided to try it. It was so cool. Set up like a speak-easy. and I thought I saw Jack and his wife, but it wasn't them. That couple was dressed like they were from the time period, and the bartenders were dressed up, and the drink selection was awesome. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. sigh, but i will return, so I tipped well. hah
The next place we went to was Suzy Wong's House of Yum. What a gay place. I mean that literally. IT is right beside the gay bars in town, and the decorations and feel - everything very gay. and i usually don't feel uncomfortable around gay ppl, but this place was so up tight.
Then we went to Mercy Lounge. all of these places by the way had very different crowds. and Mercy had quite a variety. and there were a couple of lesbian couples making the people around them very uncomfortable. ie me. but I did see 2 people from american bang there - love.
The final stop - 12th and porter dance party. LATFH all up in the place. what a bunch of wackos. but the lights were cool and the music was cool and it was free so I would go back.