Saturday, April 27, 2013

Send It in a Private Message

Comments on people's walls, especially dead people and magnets for criticism. The posts are disturbing and always sound so fake - some people suck at expressing emotions in writing. I can do nothing but come to the conclusion that it is all for show.

When someone dies...
Why the hell would you post on their Facebook wall that you will miss them?

If you do intend to contact them, because you truly believe they will see the post or perhaps you need the outlet - Why the hell do you need the rest of the world to know and see it?!
1. People (Frances) are going to think you are stupid (and are a person of ulterior motives) for the post
2. If you are friends with this person, people know you are mourning. You do not have to express it publicly. It makes people (Frances) uncomfortable.
3. Send a private message to the dead. If you think they will get a wall post, you surely can come to the conclusion that they would get a private message.

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