Saturday, September 26, 2009

one of the most fascinating ppl i will ever meet

or never. but i say def EVER. EVER because i will meet him. i know where he lives, i know where he works, i know where he grocery shops, where he drinks, where his wife's shop is, where he plays, where his band mate lives. all i have to do is casually run into him. i know it will be fab.

hopefully he won't be a jerk. or a tool.

ANYWAY - check out what this guy did

Before he was on the receiving end of a half-dozen jokes at the Emmy Awards last night, Kanye West got the spoof treatment from none other than White Stripes/ Raconteurs/ Dead Weather leader Jack White on Friday night at the Toronto International Film Festival.

In town to celebrate the documentary "The White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights," White barged in on director Emmett Malloy during a Q&A session and grabbed the microphone from him.

The Toronto Star reported that White emerged from the wings of the Elgin Theatre stage and blurted, "I'm gonna let you finish, I'm gonna let you finish, but Orson Welles had one of the greatest films of all time!"

Appreciating the riff on West's now-infamous bum-rush at last weekend's VMAs, the crowd reportedly cheered and whooped as White ran back offstage and Malloy had a laugh about the incident.

In addition to being the subject of countless doctored photos and videos, West's stage barge also inspired a similar incident at a Killers show last week in Los Angeles.

Jack White Pulls A Kanye At Toronto International Film Festival » MTV Newsroom

and this brings me to something else -

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