Monday, May 30, 2011

you are mine to take.

after feeling down, and starting a variety of depressing blogs and following through with the depressing/slit my wrist tweets...i received a letter with a quote that I would like to share

Who knows where life will take me next? The world is my lobster after all.
BIG love to you all. I hope to see many of you in the next few months.

now... for those of you who still don't understand what I'm saying when I sign off with "metta" is from the buddhist philosophy, it is the essence of Thai massage. When I explain this, it gives me goosebumps as this is what makes my spirit soar and my head swim sometimes when I am working...(and this is why I should always be doing massage and not something else!), in three words the simplest I can say is: unconditional unadulterated love.

Kat... incarnated yet again.

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