Monday, February 21, 2011

a list of grievances

Thai culture.

The longer I am here the more a mystery this place is to me. as in what the fuck do they care about and spend their time on?

1. It certainly isn't history.
They know very little about their own past and nothing about world history. Don't even think about mentioning WWII or Nazis to them.

Don't try to bring up September 11 to them, which was only a few years ago, hell that's a current event. They don't know it.

2. It isn't health...or exercise
Those words are completely foreign to them. they do know fat and thin though. and occasionally they have a diet day where they only eat fruit. but that's only a day. and they will not exercise. or walk. anywhere.

3. English
They can't speak it. even if it was their major in the university. fuck trying to have a conversation with em.

4. Movies and Music
ok, maybe they know thai and korean stuff. but that's it. that's like only knowing things from tennessee.

5. Religion
It's a buddist country, but don't ask questions about buddism cause they don't know

6. Games
Ask them to come up with a game. they only do a game that you taught them.

7. Technology
if you ask them to fix your computer they think it's real cute to delete your music and leave you with 9 carpenter's albums

8. Books
They only read books with pictures.

9. Ambition

10. Motivation
never heard of it. why do we have to?

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA, they only read books with pictures.
    me too.
