but also in my story i could pick one route and then change it for you to the other when i think it is wrong
it would go hmmmm
i'm trying to think of what i would actually pick in my doll story
cause i usually go with shocking
ok so frances is the ghost writer for kathleens story
where do i start?
kathleen is working at pei wei in murphreesboro
actually how i would make things isn;t very nice because i don't care for him like you do so it would sadden you not be bright and happy the whole time, but maybe later
he gets deported - that is one route to take in my story
another - he goes back regretfully
and she is so torn up over the decision
and does not want to tell him no
and is scared to death to tell him goodbye
for when could be the next time she sees him?
will he find someone else?
he won't he only has eyes for her right now, and the heart that he has for her will only be for her forever
but he moves and she stays because she sees her future here
even if she can't
she just can't leave
mental block
or a mexican in georgia - where he moves to when he comes back
yes she has several babies
but both still think of the other from time to time
and kathleen has a job doing what she loves
cooking. and gets to hang out with her best friend frances and frances's daughter ellie whom she raised on her own and who is very smart. they have a special bond, frances is currently dating ellie's teacher, but everyone knows that it is really someone else she is meant to be with
just kidding
ok so kathleen is teaching
and inspiring
and she dates men
and thiks of how adrian is doing with his family
she checks up on him from time to time and he her
she sees the life she might have had
but she is happy that she is doing something that makes her happy
even though being with him would make her happy
and being in that culture
but this way she ... oh ps...she is dating a wonderful fellow teacher
she learned whaat she needed to learn from adrian
but what was right for her was to use that and grow. and she did.
it helped her to understand people more
and love
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