Thursday, December 30, 2010

force an extrovert to be introvert

terrible terrible

i hate being alone

if i can make it though to song kran alive i'll be ok.
maybe not
maybe april is pushing it

i don't like my job, i do love the students. my boss came on to me. and told me i was a bad teacher. what a way to bring down a depressed person, to tell them they are bad at the only thing they do. and to know that they don't have many people to talk to and take advantage of that sux...because you are taking away ppl they know and putting them in a more difficult position.

would i be happy again at home?

depression is a disease of loneliness, and the privacy of a depressed person is not a dignity; it is a prison.

i wish for strength.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

always the exception, never the rule

i used to be the most adventurous. now i am among so many amazing travelers. need to spice this shit up. show them what it's all about and become the exception again.

immaculate conception today

inception day?

exception def.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Quite often when I talk to people I don't want to bother being in a conversation so I ask a question that I know will get a long response.

That way I can be alone with my thoughts while they ramble about whatever, I can get away with just staring at a person for a while and not have to worry about being caught staring because you are supposed to look at someone then, and if I choose to listen then I learn very interesting information and gain wisdom.

And soon I will be very wise because I really like doing this.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

activities : eating

i don't know what it is, but ever since i ate past full point i don't have a stopping limit. i'm full all of the time so i don't know when i'm actually hungry.

plus i'm bored a lot. so i eat.

and there's no nutritional english. so who knows what i'm consuming.

i just need a week of not eating to go back to normal. that starts tomorrow...tonight i already had an omelet, sticky rice, and 2 japanese pastries, oh and a milk shake. fuck.